How to Create a Clan

Getting Started with Teams

Teams HomeVerified TeamsMy TeamsCreate New TeamStay Connected with a team!People love being a part of a team; it’s a natural part of life to feel like they’re a part of a group of people they can engage. You can easily create a gaming team on our social network. Create a team so you can: Build a community of gaming friends. …

How to get your gamer account verified

Account Verification

To verify your account there is a fee associated with it. It is a one-time fee of $49.95. That’s the easy part. The hard part is verifying who you are. You will need to submit some documents, and below are what we need from you.

HqK Gaming Mobile App Update March 2022

HqK Gaming Mobile App Update March 2022

By infectedHaving a website is a tough business, but having a website with a mobile app is SUPER tough! But this is great news; anything about a mobile app launch is some of the best news a new website can give. We want to make sure that all users can network and share their experiences with ease with our Gaming …